Ip expertises
NTICs and Domain Names
Originally a technical consideration, a domain name is now the digital counterpart of your brand, which allows the public to identify and authenticate you on the internet.
During 2020, a domain name was registered every 8 seconds, on a first come, first served basis.
Accordingly, domain names must be the subject of a specific analysis in order to be effective within a relatively short time period.

Due to its nature, the management of domain names requires a transversal approach including legal, technical, and marketing skills. Our cross-disciplinary teams have the skills required to assist you on the issues raised by your legal, IT and CISO, and marketing departments.
We put our expertise at your disposal at every stage of your project.
At the outset, we assist in prior art searches and in implementing a naming strategy to help you to identify the relevant and available domain names.
We then handle the reservation of domain names among more than 1,400 extensions. If they are not available, we can assist you in the negotiation, purchase, securing, and transfer of the relevant domain name.
We manage your domain name portfolio in accordance with good practices and recommendations of the French agency for securing IT systems (ANSSI) in order to maintain your domain names and secure them with our management interface: double authentication, whitelist IP, and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC).
We regularly review your portfolio to ensure its compliance and forward deliverables to your various departments (legal, IT, marketing, etc.).
We also assist our clients in resolving domain name disputes, through dedicated recovery procedures (UDRP, Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) and arbitration proceedings specific to each country extension: Système de Resolution de Litiges (SYRELI), Procédures Alternatives de Résolution de Litiges (PARL)) and by quickly reporting abuse to technical intermediaries, in particular, hosting services / content delivery network (CDN), registrars, privacy and proxy service providers, registers and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).
Finally, we keep our clients up to date of any change likely to affect their domain name portfolios, for example, regulatory changes (e.g. Brexit and European Union), new top-level domains availability (.AU), and any new practises of domainers and counterfeiters.
We have Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération (AFNIC) accreditation as a domain name registrar, allowing us to offer our clients a comprehensive and competitive service for domain name management: reservation, negotiation and litigation.
Download our brochures ⇓ Monitor your DNS et ⇓ Manage your DNS
Focus mission
- Relevant labels and extensions
- Prior art searches among domain names and other distinctive signs
- Portfolio analysis: domain names registered by service providers or distributors
- Use survey
- Reservation procedure with registers
- Procedure of confidential reservation (privacy)
- Managing registry claims specific to country extension rules (ccTLD): notarised power of attorney, eligibility procedure, representation service
- Domain name reservation
- Management of the different due dates: Notice of Expiry (ERRP), compliance of WHOIS information (WDRP)
- Securing domain names: Registry and registrar Lock, locking of transfers and updates
- Administrative formalities of renewal and update of the ownership
- Analysis of present situation: identifying unused domain names; implementing appropriate redirection between domain names
- Rationalization: abandonment management (gradual deactivation, backlink analysis), sale of domain names.
- Customised billing: managing the invoicing for several BUs for the same portfolio with management of internal references and specific addressees and addresses, periodicity
- Anonymous preventive registration procedures
- Local representation service
- Complementary Service: SSL, TMCH, DPML, TREx
- Monitoring identical and similar domain names (content, homographs)
- Monitoring your competitors and filings made by third parties
- Identifying a WHOIS masked or anonymised domain name holder
- Portfolio reconstitution
- Automatic surveillance of domain names and monitoring their reversion to the public domain with the option automatic purchase (Backorder)
- Pre-litigation: identification, formal notice, complaint
- Takedown: reports on infringement to technical intermediaries (resale platforms, hosts, e-mail service providers, registrar, registry and ICANN)
- Arbitration proceedings: UDRP and URS for gTLDs and NewgTLDs, procedure specific to each country extension (Syreli, PARL expert, UK DRS, etc.)
- Negotiations, transactions and securing of the purchase of the domain name by using a third party receiver
- Contractual negotiations
- Preparing and drawing up confidentiality, assignment and licensing agreements
- Specific management of the domain names used by distributors