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Germain Maureau Paris

Established in Paris since 1974, Germain Maureau is a leading intellectual property law firm in Europe. If you are interested in protecting your intellectual property and/or would like to hear more about the services that we provide, please do not hesitate to contact us.

31-33 rue de la Baume, FR-75008 Paris - TEL: +33 1 45 26 36 90

Our Expertise

Germain Maureau supports its clients from the inception of their projects. Our firm ensures a global approach to securing intellectual property — utilizing legal, scientific, and administrative expertise.


A patent is a crucial tool for protecting your technology. It allows you to capitalize on your investment in R&D, through a grant of a 20-year monopoly on your technology.


A trademark is a powerful symbol for your customers. A dynamic brand management strategy relies on an all-encompassing approach.


A design relates to an appearance of a product – shapes, contours, decorative and ornamental patterns, icons, and graphic interfaces.

NTICs and Domain Names

Originally a technical consideration, a domain name is now the digital counterpart of your brand, which allows the public to identify and authenticate you on the Internet.


Germain Maureau collaborates with key players in innovation in the Paris area.

Paris Intellectual Property News

Find out what’s new in intellectual property in the Paris area.

Germain Maureau present at the Big Data and AI Trade Fair

On 15 and 16 October, Guillaume Fanet and Matthieu Objois, French & European Patent Attorneys at Germain Maureau, took part in the Big Data and AI trade fair held at Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles.

The Big Data and AI Fair Trade is France’s leading event for artificial intelligence and data.

During these two days, our employees had the opportunity to talk to a large number of start-ups and innovative companies.

For more information, click here.

Germain Maureau attend the AFNIC Legal Meeting

William LOBELSON, Partner at Germain Maureau, and Gaël MANCEC, NTIC Lawyer at Germain Maureau, are attending today’s Legal Meeting organised by AFNIC in Paris.

This year’s theme focuses on ‘The fight against abuse: first results of new measures’

Germain Maureau is accredited by AFNIC as a domain name registrar.

This accreditation enables us to offer our clients a comprehensive and competitive service in domain name management: reservation, negotiation and litigation.

Our team is available to assist you in all these steps.

Germain Maureau will host a round-table discussion at the NDDCamp Paris 2024

Gaël Mancec, NTIC Lawyer at Germain Maureau, will attend the NDDCamp conference in Paris on 13 September 2024.

On this occasion, Gaël will take part in the round table “buying and selling digital assets: Domain names, social network accounts, websites, trademarks, social networks, Web3”.

On the agenda:

  • Last commented numerical data
  • What impact does the latest Google Update (HCU) have on expired domain names?
  • Winning trends and strategies of major market players
  • Auction strengths and limitations
  • Every year, NDDCamp Paris brings together domain name consultants, website publishers and more generally professionals dealing with domain names.

This event is on invitation only, please contact us if you would like to attend.

For more information on this event, please , click here.

Germain Maureau present at the VivaTech fair in 2024

Bruno de Roquemaurel, Industrial Property Attorney at Germain Maureau, will be present at the Viva Technology trade fair, which takes place from 22 to 25 May at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, to answer all your questions about intellectual property.

Germain Maureau takes part in CEIPI’s seminar on trademark and design law

Isabelle HEGEDUS, Partner at Germain Maureau, will be speaking at a seminar on current developments in trademark and design law organised by the CEIPI (Center for International Property Studies), in particular to prepare for the oral exam for the French qualifying examination (EQF) in trademarks and designs.

The EQF enables successful candidates to become Industrial Property Attorneys.

Isabelle will, with Stefan Martin, Member of the EUIPO Boards of Appeal, and Yann Basire, Director General of CEIPI, be leading the module on “The existence of trademark rights”.

📅 05 April 2024

📍 Hybrid format: in Paris and on Zoom

📝 Deadline for registration: 02 April 2024

Franco-Chinese IP Day

On Thursday November 9, 2023, the Franco-Chinese IP Day was held at the Beijing Auditorium of the French Embassy in China, and online. The event was coorganized by Tsinghua University, Paris-Saclay University, the French Embassy in China, INPI and CNCPI.

The Chinese and French viewpoints on several themes were discussed.

Henri Bourgeois, partner at Germain Maureau, discussed the award of damages in case of infringement in France.

Germain Maureau present at the MetaDays 2023

On 14 and 15 November, Matthieu Objois and Raphaël Roudil, Industrial Property Attorneys at Germain Maureau, will attend the MetaDays event, in Paris.

The opportunities offered by Metavers are unlimited, and companies are fully aware of it.

Pushing the boundaries for their clients and employees, numerous use cases have emerged.

Germain Maureau present at the Big Data and AI Trade Fair

On 25 and 26 September, Narmyn Haicheur and Matthieu Objois, Industrial Property Attorneys at Germain Maureau, took part in the Big Data and AI trade fair held at the Palais des Congrès in Paris.

The Big Data and AI Fair Trade is France’s leading event for artificial intelligence and data.

During these two days, our employees had the opportunity to talk to a large number of start-ups and innovative companies.

Germain Maureau will attend the Legal Meeting of the AFNIC

Gaël Mancec, NTIC Lawyer at Germain Maureau, will attend the Law Meetings organised by AFNIC on 19 September 2023 in Paris.

This year’s theme is “Domain names: where do we stand in the fight against abuse?“

Germain Maureau is accredited by AFNIC as a domain name registrar.

This accreditation enables us to offer our clients a comprehensive and competitive service in domain name management: reservation, negotiation and litigation.

Germain Maureau will host a round-table discussion at the NDDCamp Paris 2023

Gaël Mancec, NTIC Lawyer at Germain Maureau, will attend the NDDCamp in Paris on 7 September.

On this occasion, Gaël will take part in a round-table discussion on the theme of intellectual property.

This round table, entitled “Intellectual property: key legal and technical developments in 2023”, will cover the following topics:

Protecting copyright and confidential information from generative AI

  • Creating your own TLD during the next ICANN round
  • Alternatives to ICANN: alternative roots developed by major powers, Blockchain (ENS) and Web3 fields. Towards fragmentation of the Internet?
  • Every year, NDDCamp Paris gathers domain name professionals, website publishers and anyone else with an interest in domain names.
Germain Maureau gives a lecture at Mines Paris – PSL School

On 7th June, Isabelle HEGEDUS and Henri BOURGEOIS, Partners at Germain Maureau, gave a lecture to first-year students at Mines Paris School.

Invited by Valérie Roy, professor and head of computer science teaching units of the school, they presented various aspects of software intellectual property.

Annual conference of IRPI: “The process of a case before the Unified Patent Court”

Following the entry into force of the Unified Patent Court (UPC) on 1 June 2023 (see our post on the subject), the Intellectual Property Research Institute (IRPI) provides more information on “the process of a case before the Unified Patent Court” during its annual conference held in Paris on Friday, 23 June 2023.

The IRPI invites attendees to identify the opportunities and challenges encountered throughout the course of a case before this new court.

Henri Bourgeois, Partner at Germain Maureau, will be speaking on the topic of “provisional measures related to the UPC”.

Domain Names: Germain Maureau will attend the Annual General Meeting of AFNIC

Gaël MANCEC, NICT Attorney, will represent Germain Maureau at the next General Meeting of AFNIC (French Co-operative Association for Internet Names) on 9 June in Paris.

Please find more information and news about our firm’s domain name activities:

For more information about AFNIC click here.

Germain Maureau present at the VivaTech fair

Henri Bourgeois, Patent Partner, Marie Ehret-Leclere, Industrial Property Attorney and Matthieu Objois, Patent Attorney, will represent Germain Maureau at this event.

Viva Technology is a major startup and tech event in Europe and is recognized as a key meeting point for tech industry players.

We will be at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles on 14-17June 2023, to address all your intellectual property issues.

IRPI training “Strategy: fashion and design law”

Join the new training “Strategy: fashion and design law” led by Marie EHRET-LECLERE, Industrial Property Attorney at Germain Maureau, and Anne-Emmanuelle KAHN Head of the Master 2 in Intellectual Property Law at the at the University Lyon 2, on Tuesday 6 June in Paris!

On the agenda:

  • Legal tools of protection: typology of the various rights
  • Protection strategies which may be considered and adapted to the collections and products of this field
  • Implementation of a protection strategy in France and abroad:
    • pre- and post-filing reflexes,
    • the pitfalls to avoid both in France and abroad according to the Offices’ practises and national particularities
  • Optimizing and securing the exploitation of rights, including contractual strategy
  • Strategies for defending creations (legal and out-of-court proceedings)