Legal Information Disclaimer


The website accessible at the address (hereinafter, the « Site ») and its extranet accessible at the address (hereinafter, the « Extranet ») are edited by:

Simplified joint-stock company
registered with the RCS of Lyon under No. 387830045
12, rue Boileau 69006 Lyon
+33 4 72 69 84 30

Publishing director: Julien FIALLETOUT



OVH, 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France, tél : et Cabinet GERMAIN MAUREAU.


Design and production:

This site was created by: acti, digital agency based in Lyon


Photo credits:

Eliott & Markus, Images used under license from, Thomas Crabot / Destination Rennes

The information presented in the pages of the Site are graciously supplied and aim at presenting the activity, the news and the teams of Cabinet GERMAIN MAUREAU (hereinafter, « the Editor »), and at diffusing some news specific to the Intellectual Property Rights field. This information diffusion does not fall within the scope of the provision of a service, and therefore shall not incur the liability of the Editor.

No message or information present in the Site shall be considered as a solicitation or as a commercial offer, a services or products offer.

The Editor shall not incur any liability in case:

  • Of omissions, updates delays or errors in the information contained in this Site and of their possible consequences
  • Of temporary or permanent unavailability of the Site
  • Of infection of the pages of the Site by a computer virus
  • The consultation of the Site is done at the users’ own risk, which support alone the consequences of the exploitation of the information contained in the Site, and who are responsible for protecting themselves against any risk of viral infection and damage or loss of their own data

The Editor shall not be held liable for the contents of the pages of the third-party Sites on which he has no control, accessible via hyperlinks from, or pointing to the Site.

The Editor retains the right to modify the content and the presentation of the Site, or to interrupt access thereto in a partial, total, temporary or definitive manner, at any time and without prior notice.

Extranet: Access to the Editor is exclusively reserved to its clients, provided with an identifier and a password under the conditions laid down in the GTS.


Contact us:

Any request for information regarding the content or the operation of the Site or the Extranet as well as the reporting of any error or omission may be addressed to:

Intellectual property

The presentation and the contents of the Site and of the Extranet, as well as each of the elements composing them are the property of Cabinet GERMAIN MAUREAU or have been authorized for use for its benefit. Any representation or replication, whether total or partial, adaptation, translation or arrangement, according to any process, whether of the contents, visuals, texts, graphic charts, logos, as well as the structure and the organization of the Site, without an explicit prior authorization of the Editor are prohibited and constitute an act of counterfeit penalized by Articles L.335-2 et seq. of the Intellectual Property Code.