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First oral hearing in French before the UPC


GERMAIN MAUREAU represented their client on October 2, 2024, during the very first oral hearing in French before the Unified Patent Court (UPC), which took place before the Paris local division.

This oral hearing marks an important milestone of the first instance proceedings, which follows a busy schedule concentrated within one year, in line with the UPC Agreement and Rules of Procedure.

GERMAIN MAUREAU mobilised a dedicated team (Henri Bourgeois, Lilian Henck, Timothée Jouart, Jean-Baptiste Milien, Bruno de Roquemaurel), and had the pleasure to collaborate on this case with attorney-at-law SANDRINE MOLLON, from SELARL CABINET RATHEAUX.

Do not hesitate to contact Germain Maureau’s patent attorneys, who will make you benefit from their expertise in defending your interests.

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