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Webinar: “How to protect your digital innovations and databases with a global IP strategy”


The Anticipa technology park and Germain Maureau are organising a webinar entitled: "How to protect your digital innovations and databases with a global IP strategy" on Tuesday 10 October 2023 from 11am to 12pm.

Digital tools and databases play an increasingly important role in our value chains. It is therefore important to optimise the protection of these innovations through a global industrial property (IP) strategy.

This webinar will provide an opportunity to focus on the various intellectual property rights and related rights: an adapted and combined approach to these rights will ensure effective protection of the various aspects of your digital innovations and secure the use of your databases.

This webinar will address some topics:

  • Digital innovation: definition
  • Main means of protection: secrecy, copyright, patent
  • Databases: a dedicated protection
  • Complementary protection: trademarks, designs, domain names

This webinar will be led by Jean-Baptiste Milien, Head of Rennes - Grand Ouest Office and Patent Attorney at Germain Maureau.

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