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Meetup: “Industrial Property: a leverage for growth and development”


Discover how to make of your industrial property (IP) policy a source of savings and profits.

Throughout the life of your start-up, VSE or SME, an adapted IP strategy will allow you to control potential economic and legal risks and to protect your market.

Germain Maureau invites you on Tuesday 20 June 2023 from 12:30 to 1:30 pm to the meetup "Industrial Property: a leverage for growth and development" , which will take place at the Mabilay in Rennes.

It will be led by Jean-Baptiste Milien, Head of the Rennes Office and Patent Attorney at Germain Maureau.

Our IP focus will offer you an overview and give you the right reflexes to effectively position yourself on your market and preserve your intangible assets:

  • When should you check your competitors' IP strategy?
  • When should you reserve a domain name, file a trademark or patent application?
  • What budget should be dedicated to this?
  • What will be the economic value of your domain names, trademarks or patents?

To sign up for free, please send an email to:

Discover our Rennes - Grand Ouest office.

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