Cross-disciplinary skills

Trademark watch

What is trademark watch?

We identify publications of new trademark applications that may be in conflict with your rights.

We detect applications filed in countries where your trademark is not yet protected.

We act quickly to defend your interests.

How is trademark watch carried out?

You define the geographical area covered by the watch and select the classes of goods and/or services concerned.

Your trademark attorney at Germain & Maureau:

  • receives alerts;
  • assesses the level of risk;
  • informs you and share his/her expertise with you;
  • initiates appropriate actions, if necessary.
Trademark watch

Why trademark watch is important?

The French Office (INPI) and most other offices do not check the availability of a trademark upon its filing: conflicting trademarks may thus be registered without you knowing!

It is possible to file an opposition proceeding that is less expensive than a legal action which must be implemented within a very short time period from the publication date of the litigious trademark application.

Tolerating similar trademarks may compromise a future infringement action.

Monitoring is an excellent way of observing the competitive environment and of market intelligence.


Download our Trademark watch brochure

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