Webinar “Patents, strategic assets in the era of AI”


In the era of artificial intelligence, patents have become a real strategic asset.

GERMAIN MAUREAU, INPI France, the French Tech Clermont Auvergne and the French Tech Saint-Etienne Lyon invite you to a webinar.


⭐️ Patents, strategic assets in the era of AI

📆 Thursday, February 6, 2025
🕦 11:00am
📍 Online

Philippe Verriest and Matthieu Objois, of Cabinet Germain Maureau and Céline MATHEVET of l’INPI will speak about:

  • The panorama of Intellectual Property in the field of AI.
  • What to protect and why?
  • Practical aspects of patent filing

Maxime ROBIN Chairman and Founder of Innodura TB and Cyrielle Crelier Legal Manager de ProovStation will be testifying about their IP protection journeys in the AI field.

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