Patent attorney
Matthieu OBJOIS
- French & European Patent Attorney
- European Patent Litigator – Unified Patent Court
Matthieu began his career in 2009 in a Parisian Intellectual Property Law Firm, where he gained experience in patent granting procedures and litigation cases. He joined Germain Maureau in June 2022. He is also a lecturer in Industrial Property Law in the MINES school, at the Sorbonne University and the Strasbourg University as part of the preparation seminar for the French qualification exam.
- CEIPI Patents
- Graduated from Mines ParisTech – PSL
- Master of law in Industrial Property – Université de Strasbourg
- Civil Engineer – Ecole des Mines de Paris
- Electronics / Electrical engineering
- IT & Artificial Intelligence (computer-implemented inventions)
- Mechanics / Mechatronics
- Optics / Optoelectronics / Physics
- Telecommunications & IoT
- Patents
- Contracts
- Audit
- French
- English