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Germain Maureau

Bertrand GEOFFRAY and Henri BOURGEOIS will speak at the colloquium “New administrative procedures before the INPI: assessment and perspectives”


On Tuesday 29 March, Bertrand GEOFFRAY, Partner at Germain Maureau and Henri BOURGEOIS, Head of Patents at the Paris office of Germain Maureau, will speak at the colloquium "New administrative procedures before the INPI: assessment and perspectives" organized by the Paris Bar, the CEIPI and the CNCPI.

This conference will take place at the auditorium of the Maison du Barreau in Paris and will also be broadcast online.

Bertrand GEOFFRAY will speak at 11:20 a.m. on "INPI case law on genuine use".

Henri BOURGEOIS will speak at 2:20 p.m. on "the main aspects of the patent opposition procedure"

For more information, click here and to sign up click here.

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